May Forum

Post Event Summary

The Melbourne Chapter May event was hosted by BP at their Docklands head quarters. The speaker, Luc Kamperman, is the Australian managing partner of the Dutch company Veldhoen which developed the activity based working (ABW) concept in the ‘nineties. Luc gave an overview of the ABW concept, providing a local context with the two well documented Sydney ABW projects – the new harbour-side building for the Macquarie and Commonwealth Banks.

The key message is that, while potential space and cost saving are attractive, the core rationale for ABW is to support business process and improve productivity. For this reason, to embed an ABW approach, the business case and leadership needs to be strong, change management strategies delivered via a collaborative HR/IT/CRE approach and the change process matched with on employee buy-in.

Question time was robust and explored many aspects of the concept and its application. This also prompted the moderator, Alison Terry from HASSELL, to propose another event later in the year with a more targeted discussion.

Alison Terry
Melbourne Chapter Committee Member